Analysis of “A Dream Within A Dream”
by Edgar Allan Poe
Poetry is an imaginative awareness of experience
expressed through meaning, sound, and rhythmic language choices so as to evoke
an emotional response. Poetry has been known to employ meter and rhyme, but
this is by no means necessary. Poetry is an ancient form that has gone through
numerous and drastic reinvention over time. The very nature of poetry as an
authentic and individual mode of expression makes it nearly impossible to
According to Herman J. Waluyo (1995) in his work Teori dan Apresiasi Puisi, he describes
a poetry is one of literary work which uses the beautiful words and also has
the sententious meaning. The beauty of poetry is formed by an intrinsic
elements. Which it devides to be two kinds, those are the physical and
psychological elements. The physical elements in poetry are the imagery,
diction, figurative language and rhyme. Whereas the psychological elements
are like theme, atmosphere. and tone.
According Herman J. Waluyo’s theory (Teori dan Apresiasi
Puisi:1995), the poem divided two, they are physical structure and
psychological structure.
Physical elements :
is the selection of words which was written in the poem because the words show
the meaning, rhyme, and context of the poem.
is word or structure of word that describe imagery experiences.
Concrete words
is to make the words in the poem is more concrete. If the writer make the word
to be concrete, the reader can imagine, see, and listen what the condition in
the poem.
Figurative languange is languange which is used by the writer to describe the meaning of the
Rhyme is
the equation of the sound in poetry, either at the beginning, middle, or the
end of lines of poetry.
Psychological elements:
Theme and Messange
is part of poem. Theme is main problem of poem which the writer describe.
Message is something that the reader can conclude after they read the poem.
is the reader’s feeling after they read the poem.
Tone is the
writter’s attitude in the poem
The researcher will use Herman
J. Waluyo’s teory to analysis a poem “a Dream Within A Dream” by Edgar Allan
Poe to
know how an intrinsic elements that contain in this poem. To get clearer and more details about it, will be presented
on the analysis below.
In a poem the
researcher will analysis physical and psychological elements in the poem “a
Dream Within A Dream” by Edgar Allan Poe according to Herman
J. Waluyo (1995) in his work Teori dan
Apresiasi Puisi.
A Dream Within A Dream
By Edgar Allan Poe
Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow—
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in none,
I it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.
I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand—
How few! Yet how they creep
While I weep—while I weep!
O God! Can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! Can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?
Physical elements
The interpretation of this
poem “A Dream Within A Dream” by Edgar Allan Poe is asomeone who has a dream
but he can’t raise in reality. He feels dream in within dream and he can’t
found the way to get his dream.
“That my days have been a dream”
“Yet if hope has flown away”
“In a night, or in day,”
“In a vision, or in none”
“Is it therefore the less gone”
“All that we see or seem”
“Is but a dream within a dream”
The imagery of this poem
is the Author wants to show his dream which not to raise. The Author show his
feeling is sadness, frustation, and desperation in his life.
“while I weep—while I weep”
“O God! Can I not grasp”
“Them with a tigher clasp”
“O God!can I not save”
“One from the pitiless wave”
“Is all that we see or seem”
“But a dream within a dream”
The rhytem of this poem
is in first stanza lines one, two, and three are same (brow, now,avow). Lines four and five are same (deem, dream). Lines six and even are same (away, day). Lines eight and nine are seven (none, gone). But lines ten and eleven are same with lines four and
five (deem, dream, seem, dream). In
second stanza, lines twelve, and thirteen are same (roar, shore). Lines fouthteen and fifteen are same (hand, sand). Lines sixteen, seventeen,
and eighteen are same (creep, deep, weep).
Lines nineteen and twenty are same (grasp,
clasp). Lines twenty one and twenty two are same (save, wave). Lines twenty three and twenty four same with lines ten
and eleven(seem, dream).
Diction of this poem is surf-tormented shore and the pitiless wave.
“Of a surf-tormented shore”
“And I hold within my hand”
“O God! Can I not save”
“One from the pitiless wave”
Figurative language
Grains of the golden sand
This lines called
personification because the sand can be compared to sand in an hourglass.
Of a surf-tormented shore
This lines called
metaphore because as the water in the sea slowly but inexorably pound away at
the physical exsistence of the shore.
One from the pitiless wave
This lines called metaphor
because the author regard the wave is “pitiless” the temporal nature of the
water by weeping in tandem with the falling of the sand.
The theme of this poem is a dream within a dream which
not same with reality and a dream which can’t someone get.
“all that we see or seem”
“is but a dream within a dream”
The feel of this poem is frustation, desperation, and
“of a surf-tormented shore”
“and I hold within my hand”
“while I weep-while I weep”
“o God! Can I not save”
“One from the pitiless wave”
Tone of this poem is empaty because in this poem the
author shows about his sadness and he was frustation because his dream is not
same with reality of his life.
“in a night or in day”
“In a vision or in none”
“Is it therefore the less gone”
The atmosphere of this poem is disturbing.
“one from the pitiless wave?”
Moral message
Moral message of this poem is the life has been a dream
but that everything can become a real if we afford to get it.
The poem “A Dream
Within A Dream” by Edgar Allan Poe uses the theories from According Herman
J. Waluyo’s theory (Teori dan Apresiasi Puisi:1995), according the theory,
there are two structures of poem. They are psysical structure and psychologycal
structures. This poem tells about someone who has a dream but he can’t to raise
his dream. In this poem has two figurative language there are personification
and metaphore. The feel of this poem is sadness, desperation and frustation
because in this poem the author tells about his sadness when he has dream but a
dream within a dream.
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