Sabtu, 30 Januari 2016



Sri Winarsih
English Literature
Faculty of Foreign Language and Culture
Muhammadiyah Semarang University

1.      Introduction
language is one of communication instrument which is very effective. In this world, we have many different language in every countries. With the variant of languages, many different and difficulties when we are communicating.
Language is used by people for communicating with each other around the world, including in Indonesia. Indonesia has a wide area and consist of larger ethnic group with their own vernacular. (Sneddon, 2003:196)
Beside indonesian language which is used by Indonesian people as national language and official language, there are also hundreds of vernaculars which are used regionally (Abdulhayi et al, 1985:1). This condition shows that Indonesian people are formed in multilingual society  (Chaer, 1994:65). It means that Indonesian people use more than two language for communicating with each other, one of which is Indonesian language and the other one is their vernacular language.
One example of vernacular language is Javanese language. It is a language with large speakers, as it is used mostly by the people in Central Java, Yogyakarta and East Java. Many of Javanese language speakers use Indonesian language as their second language in turns with Javanese language. Therefore they can be called as bilingual speakers (Abdulhayi et, al 1985:1).
Bilingualism is a condition when a speaker uses two languages in turns. Generally, people in Indonesia use their vernacular, in this case Javanese language, as first language and Indonesian language as their second language (Chaer and Agustina, 2004:215). Because Indonesian language is a national language in Indoinesia, there is Indonesian language lerning in Indonesian schools.
Interference is the use of one language element into another language when people master two languages or more, Suwito (1983:54) said that interference is a deviation, because element absorbrd by one of the language already has a parable element in the absorber language.
Interference is a phenomenon in bilingual society. It can happen in all language component, such as phonology, morphology, and syntax. Interference which happen in morphology and syntax can be called as grammatical interference (Abdulhayi et al, 1985:9)
The researcher interested to analysis interference  in Indonesian movie “Radio Galau”. The conversation interest to be analysis because  the plays used interference in their conversation.

2.      Problem of the study
a.       What kinds of interference found in movie “Radio Galau” ?
b.      What’s are the factors of interference in movie “Radio Galau” ?

3.      Aims of the study
a.       To analyze types of interference in movie “Radio Galau”
b.      To analyze factors of interference in Indonesian movie “Radio Galau”

4.      Theory
Theory that is used in this research is theory Chaer and Agustina (2004:120) according to Weinreich (1953) interference is a system’s change of one language in connection with language contact of it with another language’s by bilingual speaker( in  Chaer and Agustina 2004:120).
According Weinreich quoted by Rindjin et al. (1981:24) divided interference in three kinds, there are phonologycal, grammatical and lexical interference. Grammatical interference covers morphologycal interference and syntactical interference. Almost the same with Weinreich, Haugen divided interference based on their occurrence in phonological (diaphonic), lexical (diamorph), and grammatical (cited in Hastuti, 2003:56).

5.      Method of research
a.       Data source
Radio Galau is a Indonesian movie by Iqbal Rais that produced by Rapi Film. This movie released on 2013. Starring of this movie is Dimas Anggara and Natasha Riski. The movie is set in senior high school in Jakarta. Movie duration is 1 hours 30 minutes.
b.      Method and technique of collecting data
In the collection of data, the method had done by researcher are:
1.      Watched the movie and taken many conversation. The conversation which will analyzed, happen for an hours, and then written the conversation in that film. The conversation in that movie is in follows.
2.      Selecting any words, phrase and sentences consisting of interference
3.      Categorizing the data into two models of grammatical interference, those are morphological interference and syntactical interference
4.      Analyzing the area of grammatical interference, both morphological interference and syntactical interference, based on each types of interference.
6.      Analysis
In this analysis, the researcher explains about three point of interference, types, factors, and effect of interference in conversation.
a.       Types of interference
According Weinreich quoted by Rindjin et al. (1981:24) divided interference in three kinds, there are phonologycal, grammatical and lexical interference.
1.      Phonological interference
Phonological interference happens when bilingual speaker perceives and reproduces a phoneme of one language in terms of another language. Phonological interference can be seen when Javanese speakers add nasal sounds in front name of places with preceding allomorphs like [b], [d], ang [g]. For example : mBandung, nDepok, ngGombong (Chaer and Agustina, 2004:122)
2.      Grammatical interference, consist of:
a.       Morphological interference
Soewito explains that morphological interference can happen if in word formation there is a language that absorbs affixes from another language changing lexeme into complex word form. Affix from one language is used to form word in another language. Affix can be placed initial and penultimate even between base morpheme (Ramlan, 1985:63).
In morphologycal interference of Javanese language into Indonesian language, there are three kinds of affix (Chaer and Agustina, 2004:123).
·         Prefix is an affix placed the beginning of word. For example: ke-pukul, ke-tabrak, ke-jebak.
·         Suffix is an affix placed in the end of word. For example: Jalan-an, cara-ne.
·         Konfiks is an affix which contains two substances, prefix and suffix. For example: ke-kecil-an, ke-mahal-an.
Those examples come from the base form of Indonesian language +affix of vernacular, in this case it is Javanese language. Actually, the form with such affixes is not needed, because in Indonesian language there is parable affix for that. One example is prefix [ke-] in word [ketabrak], there is correct affix, [ter-], so the word becomes [tertabrak] (Chaer and Agustina, 1995:162).
There is another indication of morphological interference beside affixation, such as reduplication and compounding. Reduplication is repetition of one grammatical unit either some or all of it, meanwhile, compounding is fusion of two languages which caused new meaning (Ramlan, 1982:63-76).
Conversation in movie “Radio Galau”it is consist morphological interference
cewek-cewek ngantri buat dapetin gue
In this conversation it is a morphological interference because in this sentence there is interference from Javanese language to Indonesian language. This sentence should be “cewek-cewek mengantri buat mendapatkan gue”
b.      Syntactical interference
Chaer (1994:206) stated that syntax talks about word in relation with the other words, or the other functions as an utterance. He added that syntax discusses the arrangement of words into the larger units, which is called syntax unit (Chaer, 2009:3)
Syntactical interference happen if one sentence’s structure is absorbed by another sentence’s structure (Suwito, 1983:56). It can be seen from the using of word, phrase and clause in sentence (Chaer and Agustina, 2004:162).

3.      Lexical interference or borrowing
Myers-Scotton (2002:239) divided lexical borrowing into two types:
a.       Cultural lexical borrowing
Cultural borrowed forms not only words for objrcts new to the culture (e.g. CD or compact disk, espresso), but also for new concepts (e.g. overtime).
“tiba-tiba galau itu jadi eksis”
“karna gue suka nonton CD

This sentence it is cultural lexical borrowing because “eksis” it is originally english language but it used in Indonesian conversation. The speaker borrow this word in the conversation.
b.      Core lexical borrowing
Core borrowed forms are word that is similar reference word already exist words in first language (e.g. words for time references such as le weekend in French) (2002:239). Chaer (2009:103-105).

7.      Factors causing interference in movie “Radio Galau”
According to Weinreich there are six factors causing interference:
a.       Bilingualism of the speakers
Bilingualism and lack of speaker vocabulary are main factors that cause interference. Bilingualism ias a major cause of interference because bilingual person will have more contact because of their ability in using two languages, where the first language interference the second language. Besides, the lack of vocabulary makes the speakers express a new concept in his second language and cause interference. This interference is likely conducted by the speaker because he wants to enrich his second language’s vacabulary from his mother tongue or first language.
Factor interference in movie Radio Galau is bilingualism because the actors get influence from another language especially javanes language.
b.      Decrease of the first language speaker, because there are foreign languase so the actors prefer use the foreign language than Indonesian language. Example Dimas Anggara use eksis word in his conversation.
c.       Prestige of donor language and literary style
Because the actors in this movie follow the literary style from daily conversation of people.

8.      Conclusion
From the analysis above the researcher found three types of interference, there are first phonologycal  interference, second grammatical interference, consist morphologycal interference and syntactical interference and third lexical interference, consist cultural lexical borrowing and core lexical borrowing.
Researcher found two types of interference in movie Radio Galau there are morphological interference and cultural lexical borrowing. The factors which cause interference in thi movie is bilingulism of the speakers, decrease of the first language speakers, prestige of donor language and literary style.

9.      Bibliography

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